9 Acres
I made a quick stop in Pittsburgh for a few days since I was only a 2 hour drive away, coming in hot off a music festival I was working at in Ohio… Lost Lands… picture Juggalo type people listening to the shitest bass music… and Gillian and Meanhorse were in town so good opportunity to shoot some stuff. I made it to The Halahan’s spot (9 Acres) for an afternoon sesh… got me kneepads on, but shooting photos took precedent over riding. Always good to see the Halahan’s, although Luke was out of town pimp’n, Nate and Shane were there—rip’n as usual. I swear they get exponentially better every time I see them. Also good to see Matty Millington randomly there as well. Shout out to Mike & Jen for being the best parents and Granny for making some turbo lasagna.

Above: 9 Acres… who switched out the R and the E?
Below: Bikes, Dags & Beers

Above: Nate 360, Meanhorse Keen As, Nate 360 With Meanhorse In The Front and Mark Protoz Rip’n
Below: Stoke Is Extremely High

Above: Meanhorse In The Front and Nate Halahan With A Turndown

Above: Meanhorse In Front Again and Nate Halahan With a One-Footed Flatty
Above L to R: Nate 360 Table and Shane, Nate (me a little late on the seat grab shot) and Meanhorse Train

Above: Mark Protoz Flow’n
Above: Meanhorse Meanhorse’n

Above: Granny’s Lasagna Is Dialed