After the awesome sesh at Alvwoods and a slow start, we headed out stopped at a Tesco Extra to do breakfast and some shopping, of course they served Jimmy last. Decent drive, about a 2.5 hour drive over to Woodwardle. Mark was right, the Leicster “White House” Weatherspoon’s is the nicest looking, but it’s still Spoon’s. Mega big crew up at Woodwardle. I took a wee nap in the grassy field and shot a lot of photos (when I don’t ride I shoot more, and when I ride I don’t shoot as much, so I’m trying to find a happy medium). Gillian took a spill on the step down, but he was ok aside from some scrapes, cuts and loose teeth. Martin killed it again with a bunch of sides and tasty treats. I ended up setting my tent up in a bunch a brambles again. Good times though! Thanks to the Wardle brothers & crew for an amazing time.

Above: Woodwardle shovels, Bikes, Field Of Dreams, Woodwarlde Smaller Section and Tom & Mark Checking Out The Stepdown

Above: Red Belge Stepping Down Into The Sun

Above: Pie On His Way To Spoon’s To Do A Jobby
Above: Tom & Martin
Below: Bogans On Holiday—Matt & Glen

Above: Helori Le Roch Hitting The Big Jump

Below: Mark Blasting

Below: Red Belge With A Big No-Hander

Below: Red Belge On The Stepdown

Above: Mark With A Tuck And Tom With A Sausage Air

Above: Martin Boosting With Chad In Tow

Above: Grateful For All The Dudes Around The World I’ve Became Brothers With Because We Share The Love Of Riding Dirt, Digging And Traveling. Here’s Matt And Forske Getting Bromantic.

Above: Martin And Tom Heading Into The Berm At Speed, After The Stepdown
Below: Mark And Red Belge & Martin And Tom On The Stepdown

Above: Tom With A Table And Mark Close Behind

Above: Banos Mark Rip’n The Berm After The Stepdown

Above: Dimitri Getting All Racer
Above: Tom With Another Sausage

Above: Red Belge, Martin and Mark On The Berm
Below: Dude On Green Bike With A Nice Turndown

Above: Red Belge With A Turndown

Above: Martin—Style

Above: Red Belge With Another Turndown
Above: Red Belge With Another Turndown
Below: Martin Blasting and Red Belge With A Nac-Nac

Above: Sam
Below: Mark Looking For That Landing And Helori With A Toboggan
Above: Chad WIth A Turndown And Red Belge With A No Hander
Below: Chad With A Turndown and And Red Belge Blasting

Above: Chad With A Tabletop
Above: Helori With A Tiregrab and Tom Sausaging
Below: Chad And Sam Rip’n The Berm At Speed
Above: Sam And Helori With An X-Up
Below: Mark With A Pittsburgh Tuck

Above: Sam With A Tire Grab
Below: Red Belge With A No Footed Can-Can

Above: Martin Cooking Up A Michelin Star Feast